Officers Frederick W. Enright and Adolfo M. Hernandez were patrolling in the CHP helicopter at 2:45 p.m. when it crashed and burned in the Fremont area east of Highway 17. Enright, the 31-year-old pilot, and Hernandez. the 35-year-old observer were both killed instantly. Witnesses said the helicopter went into a steep dive, and when approximately 50 to 75 feet off the ground, flipped over and then crashed. Investigation into the cause of the accident determined there was a mechanical failure in the controls that affected the pilot’s ability to control the horizontal attitude of the aircraft. Officer Enright was a member of the Patrol for four years and Officer Hernandez was a member for five years.
Honor Roll

Tributes in honor of Officer Frederick W. Enright
Your brother - in -law. C.H.P. # 5342, retired.
Thinking about you this month, the 44th year since the accident. Thank you for your contribution to the citizens of the great state of California.