Russell M. Miller, Sr.

Officer Russell M. Miller Sr., a 12-year veteran of the Chino Police Department, became the department’s first officer to die in the line of duty Tuesday, Feb. 1, when a drunk driver struck him as he stopped another motorist for a traffic violation.

Miller, the father of three, died of internal injuries he sustained when he was hit during the early morning traffic stop.

He had stopped a pickup truck for a minor traffic offense and was walking toward the vehicle when a 1999 Chevy Suburban, driven by 21-year-old Joseph John Martinez, came up from behind, smashing into his patrol car and striking Miller, tossing him into the bed of the stopped pickup.

Martinez did not stop after hitting Miller, but was arrested less than 15 minutes after the accident, when he slammed into a light pole and signpost, knocking a wheel off his pickup. Residents from the area, awakened by the commotion caused by the accident, detained him when he tried to drive away on the axle. He was later found to allegedly have a blood-alcohol level of 0.17, more than twice the legal limit for drivers in California.

The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office filed second-degree murder charges against Martinez. In addition, charges of gross vehicular manslaughter and felony hit and run were also filed. He was arraigned in Chino Superior Court and a bail of $1 million was set. Martinez was held to answer all charges and a trial date has been set for the first week of May in Rancho Cucamonga.

Chief Gene Hernandez stated, “Miller was an officer who was well liked, well respected.” He added that he was older than most field officers and brought a sense of maturity to the department. “He was a very stabilizing force in a rather youthful patrol unit. He loved people and he loved life.” Miller, a field-training officer, was also part of the department’s Mounted Enforcement Team.

The St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Chino Hills was packed with law enforcement officers for Miller’s Mass of Christian burial on Monday, Feb. 7. Law enforcement personnel came from throughout California; and as far distant as Idaho and Utah.

The ceremony was punctuated by both tears and laughter as Miller’s colleagues recalled the man they knew, recounting his immense love for his family, and his skill as a police officer.

At the funeral service Fr. Mike Maher spoke of the officer who survived being accidentally shot with a hunting rifle when he was 17, who spent six years in Vietnam, and who survived a problem with blood clots five years ago – only to fall in the line of duty.

Chief Gene Hernandez said in his eulogy, “We know we go to work for others, not for ourselves. God handpicked Officer Miller . . . God has told us that he served his time. Take time to remember Officer Miller for what he was – a chosen protector.”

Chino Deputy District Attorney Michael Libutti, referring to Miller, stated “He always said he liked spending time with his kids and how important that was to him. He worked traffic cases and he was just a great guy. He was very competent and took his work seriously.”

At the end of the funeral service, one of Miller’s daughters, Melissa, released a white dove in a symbolic release of her father. The dove was joined by 20 others in a formation that flew briefly over the nearby lake, and then departed.

Upon graduating from Magnolia High School in Anaheim in 1967, Miller joined the Navy, where he served six years at the height of the Vietnam War. After being discharged he held a series of jobs working as a welder, truck driver and construction worker before he convinced his wife Stephanie to let him apply to become a police officer. He graduated from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Academy on Feb. 5, 1988.

Miller became involved in family and community activities after his three children were born. He coached Little League and helped out with the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps that his son, Russell Jr., belonged to.

He and his wife recently purchased 20 acres in Montana and were looking forward to retirement in about six years. Ofc. Steve Hopsiter, a close friend and coworker, said that Miller had brought a brochure to work about a month ago that pictured the log cabin he and his wife planned to build for their retirement home.

Hopsiter, who also purchased acreage in Montana and had planned to retire when Miller did, continued, “This was not part of the plan. I know for a fact he was not ready to go now. He had longevity in his family. He was planning to spend 20 years in Montana with Stephanie.”

Although Miller was the first in the modern history of Chino to lose his life in the line of duty, he was the third to die in the 113-year history of the community and the second in Chino since the city was incorporated in 1910.

Miller is survived by his wife, Stephanie; daughters, Melissa Endecott, 20, and Sarah, 19; son, Russell Jr., 15; parents, Donald and Lottie Miller of Oregon; sisters, Theresa Eakins and Diane Miller, both of Oregon; and a brother, Gregory Miller of Highland.

The Chino Police Association has established a memorial fund for the Miller family. Checks should be made payable to The Russell M. Miller Memorial Fund and mailed to the Chino Police Association, P.O. Box 2557, Chino, CA 91708.

James Francis Dougherty

Two veteran San Francisco police officers, Inspector Kirk B. Brookbush and Officer James F. Dougherty, died Tuesday, Jan. 11, in the crash of a department helicopter in a plowed field near the small farming community of Crows Landing.

The aircraft, on a routine flight from a maintenance check at the Porterville Airport in Tulare County back to San Francisco, crashed sometime after 9 p.m. when Federal Aviation Administration officials at Stockton Airport lost radio and radar contact with the Bell Jet Ranger OH-58 five-seat chopper.

There was no indication what caused the helicopter to go down. The National Weather Service said the weather at the time of last contact was rainy and windy with low ceilings. SFPD Capt. Mike Yalon described the weather as flyable, but theorized that the pilot might have attempted to set the aircraft down because of inclement weather.

Stanislaus County authorities said the pilot radioed the Stockton Airport tower that he was flying beneath 1,000 feet because of visibility problems just before contact was lost.

Myron Larson, Stanislaus County sheriff’s Commander, said a preliminary investigation showed that the helicopter crashed at high speed, going in at a low angle.

A KGO-Radio helicopter that had been dispatched to cover the accident spotted the wreckage at 7:20 a.m. Wednesday. The wreckage was strewn over a plowed field 150 yards in length just south of Crows Landing. A farmer also reported spotting the wreckage that morning.

The helicopter crash was the second in less than four months involving Bay Area police helicopters. In late October, a San Jose police helicopter crashed onto a busy San Jose street, killing Officer Desmond J. Casey and an aircraft mechanic.

Only one other San Francisco officer, Charles Lagosa, has died in a helicopter crash. His aircraft dropped into Lake Merced on Feb. 11, 1971. The crash led to the grounding of the department’s small fleet until recent years.

The helicopter, piloted by Brookbush, had gone to Porterville for routine maintenance and to return a floodlight borrowed for the New Year’s celebration in San Francisco. Brookbush and Dougherty flew to Porterville Monday and decided to stay overnight because of bad weather. They departed Porterville between 4 and 6 p.m. Tuesday.

California Highway Patrol Officer Jim Harris reported that the last radio contact with Brookbush was shortly after 9 p.m. At the same time, controllers at Stockton approach radar stated that the helicopter vanished off their radar screens.

San Francisco Police Department owns four Bell helicopters, using two for air operations and two for spare parts. They were given to the department by the Defense Department three years ago. They copters are not used for daily patrols or pursuits but are available as emergency backup for special operations and search and rescue operations.

The department had two helicopters, staffed with 11 officers, three decades ago, but they were grounded after the Lake Merced fatal crash. There also were widespread civilian complaints about the noise of the aircraft as they flew over the city.

Randy Furtick, vice president of Aircraft and Helicopter Maintenance Inc. of Porterville said the helicopter had routine maintenance done on it Monday afternoon, a service performed on the aircraft after 50 hours of flying.

Furtick stated, “We don’t know what happened at this point in time. There is speculation everywhere. We don’t know, other than the passing of two good friends.”

Police Chief Fred Lau, who grounded the Police Department’s helicopters after the crash, said he wanted to continue the chopper program in the fallen officers’ honor. He continued, “Both officers will be deeply missed.”

Thousands of law enforcement personnel gathered at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco for the double funeral for Brookbush and Dougherty on Tuesday, Jan. 18. Officers came from throughout the nation with their badges crossed with black tape to join in mourning for their “brothers in arms.” Chief Lau’s speech to the assembled mourners was preceded by comments from Mayor Willie Brown and California Attorney General Bill Lockyer.

Brow told the audience, “They were two fine, dedicated, talented officers. It is always difficult to say goodbye to a fallen soldier, a fallen comrade.” Cmdr. Heather Fong, Brookbush’s and Dougherty’s boss, who heads the air unit, brought tears to the eyes of many when she referred to the downed officers as “two angels looking over the shoulders” of San Francisco police officers.

She continued while speaking of the crash in foul weather, “Somewhere between heaven and Earth, God’s voice called out and the two angels fell.” Most of the speakers at the overflow double funeral for the two officers focused on the glowing police achievements of the two men.

Bill Vanderber, who remembered Brookbush as a teacher, friend and a mentor in the air, told the assembly that he shared a passion with him: flying. He stated that he had taught him how to pilot an aircraft and together they explored the skies above Northern California in a small plane and, later, a helicopter. They also shared a goofy sense of humor, and Vanderber was always entertained by Brookbush’s jokes and storytelling.

He continued in a tribute punctuated by his own tears, “Kirk was the best. He was my instructor, my best friend and an outstanding father” to his son Andy. Kirk was the best.”

Inspector Pam Fitzgerald-Wermes said she was inspired by Brookbush’s “exuberance” and “contagious excitement.” She heard so many stories about his love of the air that she decided to take flying lessons.

“I know he’s looking down on us right now,” she stated. “Kirk, we will honor you and there will never be another like you.”

Paul Kang, Dougherty’s friend, said that through friendliness and infinite patience, gradually grew to become a beloved father figure. “He was always there for us when we needed him. He was always there to help us and teach us. He was great for our family.”

Kang told the mourners that he and his brother Chon came to see Dougherty as a father figure in the 10 years since the fallen officer met their mother. He continued, “You don’t really know what you have until you lose it.”

The weather in The City on the morning of the funeral was similar to that in the Central Valley they night they died – scattered showers, drizzle and low clouds.

Inspector/Pilot Kirk Bradley Brookbush

After active duty in Vietnam, Brookbush served in a Long Range Reconnaissance Platoon of the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment (Airborne), and one year with the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department. He joined the San Francisco Police Department on September 11, 1972. His career took him through rotations at four different police stations, the Department Specialist Team (1985-1988), the Tactical Unit (1988-1990), the Crime Scene Investigations Unit (1994-1999), and the Air Support Unit to which he was assigned in August 1999. He was promoted to the rank of Inspector last year.

Brookbush, the department’s only chopper pilot since he took over in October, also served as a fixed-wing pilot with the 82nd Airborne Division during the Vietnam War. He was well known for making parachute jumps into Candlestick Park before Giants and 49er games.

Chief Lau said that Brookbush’s flight instructor described him as one of the most safety-minded and conscientious pilots he’s ever trained. He was awarded a gold medal, the department’s highest award, in 1980 after capturing a man who shot his partner.

Brookbush, who was 49 years old, brought enthusiasm and expertise to each of his assignments, along with a methodical and conscientious approach to his work that made him extremely valuable to the Department. He was an avid and experienced aviator, licensed to fly several different types of planes and helicopters.

During his 27 years in the Department, he earned a Gold Medal of Valor, three Police Commission Commendations, and 65 Captain’s Commendations. Outgoing and personable, he was particularly popular with the public he served; he received 68 Citizen Complimentary letters.

His wife Suzanne and his son Andrew survive Brookbush. They lived in Hayward, not far from the airport where he kept his small plane.

Officer/Mechanic James Francis Dougherty

Jim Dougherty began his police career at Taraval Station May 17, 1971 after serving four years in the U.S. Air Force, from 1963 to 1967, and after working for two years (1969 – 1971), as an aircraft mechanic for United Airlines.

He was later assigned to the Traffic Accident Investigation Bureau (1977-1980), where his mechanical knowledge was useful in analyzing accident scenes. He served at Park and Ingleside stations, and returned to Taraval Station in April 1996. He served the Omi Community as the Day Watch “6 Car.”

Dougherty, quiet and unassuming, his dedication to service in his 28 years with the Department yielded him one Police Commission Commendation, 52 Captain’s Commendations, and 41 Citizen Complimentary letters.

The Air Support Unit often utilized his expertise as a certified aircraft mechanic. He was also an accomplished fixed wing pilot.

His three children: Jeffrey, Bridget, and Christopher: and his companion, Sun Kang; and her sons, Chon and Paul Kang, survive the 56-year-old Dougherty. Family trust funds have been established for Brookbush and Dougherty. Persons wishing to contribute are asked to contact the San Francisco Police Department Credit Union, 2550 Irving Street, San Francisco, CA 94122 or call (415) 564-3800. The Kirk Brookbush Memorial Fund is trust identification number 1355139; the James Dougherty Memorial Fund is trust identification number 1355138. Credit Union staff will assist contributors who elect to have a single donation divided between the two trusts.

Kirk Bradley Brookbush

Two veteran San Francisco police officers, Inspector Kirk B. Brookbush and Officer James F. Dougherty, died Tuesday, Jan. 11, in the crash of a department helicopter in a plowed field near the small farming community of Crows Landing.

The aircraft, on a routine flight from a maintenance check at the Porterville Airport in Tulare County back to San Francisco, crashed sometime after 9 p.m. when Federal Aviation Administration officials at Stockton Airport lost radio and radar contact with the Bell Jet Ranger OH-58 five-seat chopper.

There was no indication what caused the helicopter to go down. The National Weather Service said the weather at the time of last contact was rainy and windy with low ceilings. SFPD Capt. Mike Yalon described the weather as flyable, but theorized that the pilot might have attempted to set the aircraft down because of inclement weather.

Stanislaus County authorities said the pilot radioed the Stockton Airport tower that he was flying beneath 1,000 feet because of visibility problems just before contact was lost.

Myron Larson, Stanislaus County sheriff’s Commander, said a preliminary investigation showed that the helicopter crashed at high speed, going in at a low angle.

A KGO-Radio helicopter that had been dispatched to cover the accident spotted the wreckage at 7:20 a.m. Wednesday. The wreckage was strewn over a plowed field 150 yards in length just south of Crows Landing. A farmer also reported spotting the wreckage that morning.

The helicopter crash was the second in less than four months involving Bay Area police helicopters. In late October, a San Jose police helicopter crashed onto a busy San Jose street, killing Officer Desmond J. Casey and an aircraft mechanic.

Only one other San Francisco officer, Charles Lagosa, has died in a helicopter crash. His aircraft dropped into Lake Merced on Feb. 11, 1971. The crash led to the grounding of the department’s small fleet until recent years.

The helicopter, piloted by Brookbush, had gone to Porterville for routine maintenance and to return a floodlight borrowed for the New Year’s celebration in San Francisco. Brookbush and Dougherty flew to Porterville Monday and decided to stay overnight because of bad weather. They departed Porterville between 4 and 6 p.m. Tuesday.

California Highway Patrol Officer Jim Harris reported that the last radio contact with Brookbush was shortly after 9 p.m. At the same time, controllers at Stockton approach radar stated that the helicopter vanished off their radar screens.

San Francisco Police Department owns four Bell helicopters, using two for air operations and two for spare parts. They were given to the department by the Defense Department three years ago. They copters are not used for daily patrols or pursuits but are available as emergency backup for special operations and search and rescue operations.

The department had two helicopters, staffed with 11 officers, three decades ago, but they were grounded after the Lake Merced fatal crash. There also were widespread civilian complaints about the noise of the aircraft as they flew over the city.

Randy Furtick, vice president of Aircraft and Helicopter Maintenance Inc. of Porterville said the helicopter had routine maintenance done on it Monday afternoon, a service performed on the aircraft after 50 hours of flying.

Furtick stated, “We don’t know what happened at this point in time. There is speculation everywhere. We don’t know, other than the passing of two good friends.”

Police Chief Fred Lau, who grounded the Police Department’s helicopters after the crash, said he wanted to continue the chopper program in the fallen officers’ honor. He continued, “Both officers will be deeply missed.”

Thousands of law enforcement personnel gathered at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco for the double funeral for Brookbush and Dougherty on Tuesday, Jan. 18. Officers came from throughout the nation with their badges crossed with black tape to join in mourning for their “brothers in arms.” Chief Lau’s speech to the assembled mourners was preceded by comments from Mayor Willie Brown and California Attorney General Bill Lockyer.

Brow told the audience, “They were two fine, dedicated, talented officers. It is always difficult to say goodbye to a fallen soldier, a fallen comrade.” Cmdr. Heather Fong, Brookbush’s and Dougherty’s boss, who heads the air unit, brought tears to the eyes of many when she referred to the downed officers as “two angels looking over the shoulders” of San Francisco police officers.

She continued while speaking of the crash in foul weather, “Somewhere between heaven and Earth, God’s voice called out and the two angels fell.” Most of the speakers at the overflow double funeral for the two officers focused on the glowing police achievements of the two men.

Bill Vanderber, who remembered Brookbush as a teacher, friend and a mentor in the air, told the assembly that he shared a passion with him: flying. He stated that he had taught him how to pilot an aircraft and together they explored the skies above Northern California in a small plane and, later, a helicopter. They also shared a goofy sense of humor, and Vanderber was always entertained by Brookbush’s jokes and storytelling.

He continued in a tribute punctuated by his own tears, “Kirk was the best. He was my instructor, my best friend and an outstanding father” to his son Andy. Kirk was the best.”

Inspector Pam Fitzgerald-Wermes said she was inspired by Brookbush’s “exuberance” and “contagious excitement.” She heard so many stories about his love of the air that she decided to take flying lessons.

“I know he’s looking down on us right now,” she stated. “Kirk, we will honor you and there will never be another like you.”

Paul Kang, Dougherty’s friend, said that through friendliness and infinite patience, gradually grew to become a beloved father figure. “He was always there for us when we needed him. He was always there to help us and teach us. He was great for our family.”

Kang told the mourners that he and his brother Chon came to see Dougherty as a father figure in the 10 years since the fallen officer met their mother. He continued, “You don’t really know what you have until you lose it.”

The weather in The City on the morning of the funeral was similar to that in the Central Valley they night they died – scattered showers, drizzle and low clouds.

Inspector/Pilot Kirk Bradley Brookbush

After active duty in Vietnam, Brookbush served in a Long Range Reconnaissance Platoon of the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment (Airborne), and one year with the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department. He joined the San Francisco Police Department on September 11, 1972. His career took him through rotations at four different police stations, the Department Specialist Team (1985-1988), the Tactical Unit (1988-1990), the Crime Scene Investigations Unit (1994-1999), and the Air Support Unit to which he was assigned in August 1999. He was promoted to the rank of Inspector last year.

Brookbush, the department’s only chopper pilot since he took over in October, also served as a fixed-wing pilot with the 82nd Airborne Division during the Vietnam War. He was well known for making parachute jumps into Candlestick Park before Giants and 49er games.

Chief Lau said that Brookbush’s flight instructor described him as one of the most safety-minded and conscientious pilots he’s ever trained. He was awarded a gold medal, the department’s highest award, in 1980 after capturing a man who shot his partner.

Brookbush, who was 49 years old, brought enthusiasm and expertise to each of his assignments, along with a methodical and conscientious approach to his work that made him extremely valuable to the Department. He was an avid and experienced aviator, licensed to fly several different types of planes and helicopters.

During his 27 years in the Department, he earned a Gold Medal of Valor, three Police Commission Commendations, and 65 Captain’s Commendations. Outgoing and personable, he was particularly popular with the public he served; he received 68 Citizen Complimentary letters.

His wife Suzanne and his son Andrew survive Brookbush. They lived in Hayward, not far from the airport where he kept his small plane.

Officer/Mechanic James Francis Dougherty

Jim Dougherty began his police career at Taraval Station May 17, 1971 after serving four years in the U.S. Air Force, from 1963 to 1967, and after working for two years (1969 – 1971), as an aircraft mechanic for United Airlines.

He was later assigned to the Traffic Accident Investigation Bureau (1977-1980), where his mechanical knowledge was useful in analyzing accident scenes. He served at Park and Ingleside stations, and returned to Taraval Station in April 1996. He served the Omi Community as the Day Watch “6 Car.”

Dougherty, quiet and unassuming, his dedication to service in his 28 years with the Department yielded him one Police Commission Commendation, 52 Captain’s Commendations, and 41 Citizen Complimentary letters.

The Air Support Unit often utilized his expertise as a certified aircraft mechanic. He was also an accomplished fixed wing pilot.

His three children: Jeffrey, Bridget, and Christopher: and his companion, Sun Kang; and her sons, Chon and Paul Kang, survive the 56-year-old Dougherty. Family trust funds have been established for Brookbush and Dougherty. Persons wishing to contribute are asked to contact the San Francisco Police Department Credit Union, 2550 Irving Street, San Francisco, CA 94122 or call (415) 564-3800. The Kirk Brookbush Memorial Fund is trust identification number 1355139; the James Dougherty Memorial Fund is trust identification number 1355138. Credit Union staff will assist contributors who elect to have a single donation divided between the two trusts.

Allen Thomas Sharra

Kings County Sheriff’s Deputy Allen T. Sharra was responding to a call for assistance with his teen ride-along on Dec. 27, when his patrol car flew off a dirt road and slammed into an irrigation-canal embankment near Lemoore.

Luis Verdugo, a 15-year-old sheriff’s Explorer Scout, who was riding along, was hurled through the windshield upon impact. He suffered two broken ankles and a lacerated liver. Verdugo climbed back into the patrol car to radio for medical assistance not realizing that Sharra, 31, had died on impact. Sheriff Ken Marvin announced that the accident happened while Sharra was responding to a call in a cotton field from another deputy. The other deputy, whose name wasn’t released, called for assistance after he found a vehicle in the field that he believed had been used in a crime the previous night.

Marvin continued, “This is a very tragic thing for the entire department. We deal with death all the time. But it’s harder when it’s one of your own. He was a part of our family.”

Hundreds of law enforcement officers turned out in Hanford at the Glad Tidings Church on Jan. 4, to say goodbye to Sharra. Verdugo, wearing his Explorer uniform and seated in a wheelchair, also attended the three-hour service to pay his final respects to his mentor.

In his eulogy, Marvin spoke of Sharra’s exuberance, which he first experienced when interviewing him for his job less than a year ago. Marvin said, “It was obvious that just the prospect of being hired as a full-time law enforcement officer was so exciting to him. And after I gave him the job, he must have thanked me dozens of times. From then on, he would volunteer for anything that would keep him in that uniform a little longer.”

Marvin ended his speech by telling Sharra’s family to remember that their son, father and husband should be remembered as a hero.

“He will not be forgotten,” Marvin said.

Attorney General Bill Lockyer, the state’s top law enforcement official, attended the service to offer praise and comfort. He gave the family his condolences in their time of grief. He reiterated that they were there to honor not Sharra’s death, but his life.

Lockyer stated, “When Sharra first put on his badge, he knew what was right and just, and throughout his career he has shown his dedication to the people of Kings County, the state and his country. I join you to salute this fallen hero.”

The funeral service at the Hanford Cemetery concluded when Sharra’s pallbearers ended their duty by removing their white cotton gloves and placing them on their comrade’s casket. Wreaths of red roses, a specific request by Sharra’s wife, were then “sent to Heaven” with her husband.

Sharra, who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, joined the U.S. Navy immediately after graduating from high school in 1986. He served as an avionics mechanic until August 1995. He continued his service to his community and country as a sergeant in the Army National Guard.

Sharra continued his education at the West Hills Community College from 1991 to 1994 where he majored in Administration of Justice and law enforcement. He graduated from the P.O.S.T. Basic Police Academy at the College of Sequoias in Visalia in December 1998.

With Sharra’s prior military history, he was no stranger to public service and devotion to community. He began his law enforcement career in 1993 as a reserve police officer for the city of Huron.

Sheriff Marvin hired him on April 8, 1999, after graduating from the academy. He worked patrol in the Hanford/Lemoore areas.

Sharra’s death is only the second in more than 100 years for the Kings County Sheriff’s Department.

In addition to his wife, Gina, survivors include his daughter, Melissa; son, Richard; stepson, Carl Hatfield; parents, James and Anna Sharra; stepmother, Robin Sharra; and stepsister, Paula.

A special fund for the Sharra family has been set up. Donations may be sent to the Allen Thomas Sharra Fund at the Kings County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, P.O. Box 206, Hanford, CA 93232.

Desmond J. Casey

San Jose Police Officer Desmond Casey was killed on October 25, 1999, when his helicopter crashed after he lost control of the aircraft while approaching San Jose International Airport.

Officer Casey was able to avoid crashing into a heavily populated area by veering his aircraft onto a section of highway near Interstate 880. Both Casey and a mechanic were killed when the helicopter slammed into the middle of the street

The helicopter had been grounded two days earlier when Casey had taken San Jose Department’s only helicopter on a routine flight. Casey made a precautionary landing at Reid Hillview Airport to have the aircraft checked out because the helicopter didn’t feel quite “right.”

Casey took off from Reid Hillview on Oct. 25, after a comprehensive test failed to discover any problem with the aircraft. The five-year-old helicopter named “Air One” crashed just 12 minutes after take off.

San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales and Police Chief William Lansdowne called the veteran pilot a hero for steering the spinning helicopter to the only empty spot in the congested area.

“We are tremendously saddened by the loss of the officer and his passenger,” said Gonzales. “I’m proud of the training this officer had and the skill that was demonstrated in landing where he did.”

Chief Lansdowne said that Casey was a wonderful officer with an exemplary record.

The 38-year-old Casey, who grew up in San Carlos, had been with the San Jose Police Department for 10 years. He was one of four officers and one sergeant assigned to patrol the city by helicopter. He was the 10th officer from the San Jose Police Department to be killed in the line of duty.

Casey had a history of performing courageous acts. As a first lieutenant in the 129th Rescue Wing of the California Air National Guard, Casey flew in Operation Northern Watch and helped to patrol northern Iraq airspace.

He also flew missions to rescue northern California flood victims in 1997 and 1998.

Just two weeks prior to the crash, Casey piloted a mission to save the life of a firefighter trapped by a wildfire in Big Sur.

Casey was able to master anything he tried. Before joining the force, Casey was a wild-animal trainer and a water skier at Six Flags Marine World in Vallejo.

While working patrol, Casey decided he wanted to become a pilot in the department’s support unit Casey took a leave of absence from the force, became a U.S. Army warrant officer and got into helicopter flight school.

A memorial service was held for Casey on Friday, Oct.29 at 11a.m. in San Jose at the Center for the Performing Arts. More than 3,200 officers, civic leaders, firefighters and others attended the service.

Speakers included Attorney Gen. Bill Lockyer, Chief Lansdowne, and Mayor Gonzales.

Because of his heroic actions as a result of his concern for his fellow citizens, Officer Casey was posthumously awarded the department’s highest award: the Medal of Honor. Casey was only the eighth person to receive the award.

Casey also received the California Cross and the Medal of Valor from the California Air National Guard.

A full requiem mass was conducted in Latin, and the honor guard with the San Jose Police Department performed a 21 gun salute. Casey was also saluted by an eight-helicopter flyby flown in the missing man formation.

A C-130 airplane also participated in the salute from Casey’s air guard unit.

After the service, Casey’s body was taken to Santa Clara for burial.

Casey is survived by his mother, Mitzie, father, Desmond, two sisters, and his fiancée, Theresa Nance, a Santa Clara County parks ranger.

Eric A. Thach

Deputy Sheriff Eric Andrew Thach died in the line of duty Oct. 8, while responding to an open door at a home whose owners were out of town. Thach, who was wearing a protective vest, was shot in the back with a large caliber rifle.

A neighbor, Angelica Loera, had called the sheriff’s office after receiving a phone call from the homeowners who had become concerned at not being able to reach a relative who was taking care of their house while they were away.

While Loera was talking to Deputy Thach, who had been dispatched to the scene, two relatives of the homeowners drove up to the house. A few minutes later gunshots were heard coming from the house. Deputy Thach was shot in the back while standing on the car port.

Thach was able to radio for help. Deputies from the Sheriff’s Department, along with officers from the Riverside Police Department and the California Highway Patrol, quickly responded. Thach was transported to the hospital where he died two hours later while in surgery.

The house sitter, who had been beaten and tied up during the home-invasion robbery, was removed from the house and taken to a hospital where she was placed in the intensive-care unit under sheriff’s guard.

A perimeter was set up in the area in an attempt to catch the suspect. More than 100 deputies and officers from neighboring law enforcement agencies helped in the search. The suspect was killed after officers responded to a fire that broke out in a river bottom within the search area.

The suspect was observed in the area carrying a rifle. Authorities later identified him as the 17-year-old grandson of the house sitter.

Thach, 34, is the 14th Riverside County sheriff’s deputy to die in the line of duty in the department’s more than 100-year history, and the third deputy to be ambushed and killed in less than three years.

He had been employed with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department since September 1996. He was assigned to the Southwest Detention Center until January of this year, when he was transferred to the Jurupa Valley Station Patrol Division. He had patrolled the area where he was ambushed since May.

Sgt. Gil Cervantes, who supervised Thach at the detention center, described him as soft-spoken and well liked. “He was not cocky at all,” Cervantes said. “He was very respectful to those he worked with and even the inmates. He got along well with the other deputies. He was not one to bring a lot of attention to himself.”

American flags lined Thach’s neighbors’ lawns in tribute to the slain deputy. They described Thach as a man with a big heart, who always went out of his way to assist others. He cut a neighbor’s lawn for two weeks when the man’s lawnmower broke. “You don’t want to make him sound like a saint, but he pretty much was,” said neighbor Cary Ehrich. “It’s sad when the best have to go.”

“We appreciate the service the sheriff’s office has provided the county,” said another neighbor Nancy Reyka. “Our hearts are broken. We feel it is our loss, too.”

Services for Deputy Thach were held on Oct. 13 in Riverside. More than 2,000 filled the Harvest Christian Fellowship Church to pay their last respects to Thach, who was described as a man filled with courage, compassion and hope.

Children stood by with hand-made signs depicting the loss, while the honor guard removed Thach’s flag-draped coffin from the hearse. Inside the church, a picture of the deputy was projected onto overhead screens as Sheriff Larry Smith addressed the mourners.

“Every time an officer puts on a badge, they pray to be held in the safety of the Lord’s hands . . . but when they are called, the peace officer always responds,” said Sheriff Smith during the 90-minute ceremony. Thach’s life, while short, was filled with courage, enthusiasm, and hope; traits he carried with him until the end. Eric did make a difference. Eric’s life was meaningful,” Smith said.

Smith told mourners that Thach’s name would be engraved in stone on Memorials in Riverside, Sacramento and in Washington, D.C. Smith ended his eulogy by saying, “As the sadness of this day fades and time passes, someone, someday, might ask: ‘Who was Deputy Eric Thach?’ And we will answer . . . he was a brave and courageous man, taken from us far too soon . . . he was a good cop . . . he was one of us.”

Thach’s wife, Evelyn, and 13-year-old daughter, Shana, stood by the coffin and said a long final goodbye before leaving the church.

Following the service, more than 200 motorcycle officers from across California escorted Thach’s coffin to Crestlawn Memorial Park in Riverside. Officers performed a 21-gun salute after bagpipes played “Amazing Grace.” Thach’s widow was then presented with the flag that draped her husband’s coffin.

A trust fund has been established. Donations can be made through the Riverside Sheriff’s Association Relief Fund/Deputy Thach, 6215 River Crest Drive #A, Riverside, CA 92507.

Daniel C. Kelley

Scores of police officers, friends, family and colleagues gathered to bid farewell July 22 to Maywood Police Officer Daniel C. Kelley, who died July 18, of injuries that he sustained in an on-duty traffic accident 10 days earlier.

The accident happened about 9 a.m. on July 8, when an unlicensed, uninsured driver pulled out of a driveway and collided with Kelley, police said. He was thrown from his motorcycle and suffered major injuries.

Police detained the driver who was later released by the Huntington Park Police Department, which submitted the case to the district attorney’s office, said Sgt. James Kinsey.

Colleagues had understood that Kelley was improving from numerous injuries that he sustained on what officers called his “maiden voyage” as a motorcycle officer. They were shocked when Kelley died at St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood of what doctors said appeared to be an aneurysm. Officer Dan Kelley

Officer Daniel C. KelleyKelley, a peace officer for more than 12 years, had reached his goal and graduated from the motorcycle academy only five days prior to the accident.

Sgt. Scott Anderson spoke of Kelley “as an outstanding officer, well-liked, easygoing. You couldn’t ask for a better copper.”

Officer Lynette Johnson, a member of the 27-officer Maywood Police Department, stated, “It’s a big deal to us. We’re so close to each other.” Maywood Police Chief Rick Lopez, who wore a black band around his badge, gave the eulogy, praising Kelley for “making the ultimate sacrifice.” He was the third officer to die while on duty in Maywood Police Department’s 75-year history.

Sgt. Mark Van Holt, a friend for the past 20 years, described Kelley as energetic, vivacious and fun loving. “He made the most out of every day. He loved his work, loved being a policeman, [and he] was so excited to be a motorcycle cop.

Bill Wallace, who had helped train Kelley at motorcycle school, stated, “Danny was very excited when he got his motor appointment. Being that it was just him and me out there, it is like losing a brother.”

Kelley, who was single, grew up in Orange County, where he played Little League baseball and was a member of the Police Explorers with the Seal Beach Police Department.

After graduating from Westminster High School, he enlisted in the Army and became a military police officer. He completed his three years of active duty and was honorably discharged March 25, 1986.

Kelley continued his education at Golden West College in Huntington Beach and Rancho Santiago College in Santa Ana, before beginning his law enforcement career at the Orange County Sheriff’s Department in 1987.
He became a police officer at the Los Alamitos Police Department just two years later and stayed there until 1996, when he joined the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department as a deputy sheriff. He joined Maywood Police Department on Nov. 1, 1998.

Bob Krauss, Kelley’s stepfather and a retired officer from Seal Beach, said that being an officer was what Kelley had wanted to do since he was about 14.

“I was excited for him, but I had some apprehension about the job in California, with the amount of traffic,” Krauss stated.

Along with his stepfather, Kelley is survived by his mother, Patricia Krauss, of Cottonwood, Arizona.

Bradley Jay Riches

They Are Not Dead Who Live in the Lives They Leave Behind

On Saturday, June 12, 1999, Deputy Brad Riches was brutally murdered in the city of Lake Forest. At approximately 12:52 a.m., Riches was on routine patrol, driving through the parking lot of a 7-eleven store.

Without warning or provocation, a man carrying an AK-47 assault rifle opened fire on Riches while he sat in his patrol car.

Riches valiantly began an emergency radio transmission, but succumbed to the more that two-dozen assault rifle rounds that were fired at him.

During the news conference, Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona called the attack “sudden and unprovoked,” and “as brutal as you can possibly imagine.”

Five hours after the shooting, deputies and investigators arrested 39-year-old Maurice Gerald Steskal, a Lake Forest man who allegedly walked into the mini-market with an assault rifle and told the clerk that his intention was not to rob the store, but to use the weapon against police.

Steskal was identified as a suspect soon after the crime scene was secured, Sheriff Carona reported. Orange County Deputy Andre Spencer, one of several area deputies brought in to view the store’s videotape, recognized Steskal as someone he’d arrested. He identified him as “aggressive, assaultive and non-compliant with law enforcement.”

Sheriff Carona, his voice cracking with emotion, told reporters, “One of my deputies, one of my family, is laying on the table dead. We are vulnerable, but we won’t roll over on our backs and let the criminals take over the community.” He described Riches as a “teddy bear of a man.”

Riches was born in Canada. Because of his father’s occupation, his family lived in various countries including Holland, Singapore and Australia, before settling in Orange County. He graduated from Dana Hills High School in 1984.

He then worked for the fire department as a paid call fireman until 1988. During this time he also worked as a medical technician for an ambulance company.

Deputy Bradley Jay RichesRiches’ career in law enforcement began in 1989 as an Orange County Sheriff’s special officer, a position ranking below deputy. A year later, he was awarded a Medal of Courage after wrestling a gun away from a distraught welfare recipient at a county office.

In 1991, Riches was hired as a fully sworn deputy sheriff. He was assigned to the James A. Musick Facility Branch Jail and the Orange County Central Jail. In October 1998, Riches was assigned to patrol in the city of Lake Forest.

Pastor Glen Kruen, who officiated at Riches funeral at the Saddleback Valley Community Church on June 16, 1999, stated, “He never stopped putting out that 110 percent effort that he learned to give as a child.

“Brad liked people. He made friends with anyone and everyone that he met. Brad made himself at home wherever he was. Brad’s nine years of selfless service to Orange County, and most recently to the city of Lake Forest, culminated last Saturday when he gave the supreme sacrifice.”

Riches’ older brother, Robert, said during the service, “Apart from being big in statue, he was big in heart. If ever there was a 6-foot-5 angel, Brad was it. A kinder, gentler brother there never was.”

He went on to say, “He was always thoughtful, always encouraging, always giving. Simply put, Brad was the best brother I or anyone else could have.”

Riches’ ex-wife, Patricia, said, “Brad Riches was the kind of guy to give you the last dime in his pocket, the shirt off his back. I want the community to know what a incredible person he was, what a loss this is to the community.”

A tearful Steven Conners, 13, recalled an interview he did with Riches for a school assignment on careers: “He just said you have to be willing to do the job and risk your life every day. He was really nice.”

Interment service for Riches were held at the El Toro Memorial Park in Lake Forrest.

Riches, 34, is the first Orange County deputy sheriff since 1958 to be fatally shot while on patrol.

His parents, Bruce and Meriel Riches, and brother Robert, survive him.

During Riches’ “jail tenure,” he used his carpentry and woodworking skills to build a wall of honor for Orange County Sheriff’s deputies slain in the line of duty. He carved the giant wood frame, installed the track lighting and framed the portraits of five sheriff’s deputies who have dien in the line of duty ove the department’s long history.

“They Are Not Dead Who Live in the Lives They Leave Behind,” he wrote meticulously placing the gold letters one by one. Now a place will be made by him.

William C. Bean Jr.

The night Officer Bill Bean died, Tuesday, Feb. 9, his brother Brandon and his mother were standing outside the officer’s home frantically trying to get information about Bean’s condition after learning about a shooting incident. Brandon said, “I turned and looked at the sky and I saw a falling star. One that burned brightly and streaked across the sky. That is my brother. he will burn brightly for eternity.”

Bean died that night, fatally shot during a traffic stop. He was trying to talk to a “wanted subject” when he was gunned down. He was flown to UC Davis Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Deputy Chief Albert Najera said that Bean had been wearing “body armor” but a bullet entered through an arm hole and hit him behind his left shoulder.

The incident began when Bean and his partner, Officer David Hogge, spotted a man they were looking for driving alone. They signaled the driver to pull over. The driver did pull over briefly but then drove off. He continued along at about 25 mph with the police car, being driven by Hogge, close behind. Larry Gibbs, deputy chief of investigations, stated that a short time later, the driver pulled over for a second time.

Hogge stopped the police cruiser, and Bean got out of the passenger side and walked toward the car. At that point the driver started firing and Bean was hit, Gibbs reported. Hogge returned fire and tried to chase the suspect on foot.

More than five hours after the shooting, police arrested Dundell Wright, 35, on suspicion of homicide. He is a parolee facing a return trip to prison because of a parole violation. Police found Dundell under an air-conditioning unit in the backyard of a house near the incident. A 9 mm pistol believed to be the weapon used in the shooting was found nearby.

Approximately 5,000 fellow officers, friends and state and local dignitaries crowded into the Trinity Life Center on Tuesday, Feb. 16, for Bean’s funeral service.

The service, which was projected at two hours, but ran more than three hours, was punctuated by the sorrowful cry of bagpipes and a bugler who played “Amazing Grace.”

Gov. Gray Davis called Bean “a genuine American hero,” and Sacramento Mayor Joe Serna Jr. offered his condolences as they presented flags to Bean’s parents.

Bean was described by speakers as an eager and determined young man who doggedly pursued his goals, eventually winning over those around him.

Officer Lloyd Davis said of his colleague, “Super nice guy. You couldn’t help but like him . . . He was very energetic.”

Deputy Chief Albert Najera recalled that Bean had been a standout athlete since his days at Colfax High School. He was a starter for the Police Department at free safety in this year’s Pig Bowl, his fourth consecutive appearance.

The coach of the police team in the annual football competition, Dave Hoskins, said “He never came off the field on defense. His dream was to play college football, and this past summer he achieved his dream by playing for the Wolverines and earning All-Bay Valley Conference honors.

Sierra Coach Rex Chappell stated, “Bean was an outstanding person. He is one of those people that made it fun to coach. He is an inspiration to a lot of our players. This is an extremely hard situation.”

Bean, along with being a police officer, was a full-time student at Sierra College.

Bean’s mother, Kim Toms of Colfax, sang hymns and told the congregation, “Thank you, everyone, for loving my son. He loved you.

“His friends are here now. they’re saying they didn’t know anybody who had a bigger heart. He always had a smile, always had a positive attitude and he loved kids,” she stated.

She said later, “It means that Bill didn’t die in vain.” He was interested in “the potential of everybody’s son . . . I’m awfully proud, of course: Going into the police department and serving America – what more could you ask?”

In 1989 Bean graduated from Colfax High School where he lettered in three varsity sports and later coached football. He went to West Point but was unable to stay long because of asthma. He returned home and enrolled in UC, Davis, where he studied and played football for one year.

Bean joined the Placer County Sheriff’s Department in May 1991 and stayed until April 1995, when he joined the Sacramento Police Department.

Bean is survived by his mother, Kim Toms; father, Bill Bean Sr.; brothers, Chris and Brandon Bean; stepmother, Pam Bean; stepfather, Nick Toms; fiancee, Carrie Heimann; and three stepsisters.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Police Athletic League, 3520 Fifth Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95817.

The following poem was written for Officer Bean
by friend Kathie Leon #380,
Sacramento Police Department

In Memory of Bill Bean

On February 9, 1999 Bill Bean once again put his life on the line.
None of us knew it would be for the last time.

At times in blue jeans and a T-shirt, other times in a uniform of blue,
Often a war on the streets but it was what he loved to do.

His partner that night was more than a fellow officer; he was also a friend.
A person Bill respected and on whom he knew he could depend.

Bill never saw it coming; he hadn’t the chance to get far,
A bullet screamed through a window at the rear of the car.

Fellow officers from everywhere around,
Rushed to the call of an Officer Down.

As his family members wept at his front door.
All of us were waiting to hear something more.

Services for Bill not only touched officers but others Countrywide.
They lined our streets and freeways, bidding their final good-bye.

Bill was a fun, kind and friendly man,
He made you feel welcome and important no matter where you might stand.

He gave his heart and did much more then many of us ever would.
He touched lives and made a difference with some, whom no one else could.

As we look now to the Heaven’s up in the sky,
We thank God for the time he allowed us with Bill at our side.

With are hearts still heavy and tears fresh in our eyes
We can’t help but to ask why another officer had to die.

We pray for his family, friends and fellow officers at the end of each day.
We cherish Bill’s memories and will never forget the ultimate price that he paid.

Kathie Leon #380, Sacramento Police Department

James Lee Williams

Deputy Sheriff James Lee Williams – who “cared about people,” Sheriff Carl Sparks said – was fondly and in Sparks’ case, tearfully eulogized by his family and more than 500 friends and fellow officers.

Williams, 41, was killed in a two-car crash at a rural intersection while on call rushing to a party that was breaking up. His patrol car collided with another vehicle at a four-way stop. The driver of the other vehicle, who also died, had begun to pull into the intersection when his automobile was hit. Both vehicles were destroyed.

Williams’ death was the 25th of a law enforcement officer in Kern County as a result of an accident involving one or more motor vehicles, with eight officers now having been killed in such accidents since 1980.

Sparks said illness should have prevented Williams from being on duty the day he was killed, but because of his devotion to his job “he went on duty because his squad needed him.”

“Jim, we’re proud of you,” the sheriff said and, his voice breaking. “we’re going to miss you.” “You will always be part of our family.”

About 200 of Williams’ fellow deputies and numerous officers from other law enforcement agencies were represented, from as far away as San Diego. Among the mourners was former Sheriff Larry Kleier.

The Rev. E. F. “Bud” Frye presided, with Sparks and Williams’ son, Gene, and brother-in-law, John Crabtree, speaking about the deputy.

Frye said Williams was “a very special man… who was diversified in the things he did and the things he shared… and family was very important to him.”

Gene Williams said of his father, “His family came first with him. He was always caring, and he felt he came after everybody else. This is a chance for him to be No. 1.”

Sparks told the solemn gathering. “The deputies at the jail called him ‘Pop’ or ‘Grandad,'” referring to Williams’ age compared to that of many other deputies.

“Jim cared about people, and I found an ‘attaboy’ in his record,” the sheriff continued. “There was a letter from a woman whose 16-year-old daughter had run away. Jim went out of his way to find the girl and took her to Juvenile Hall, then called her mother and got them together.”

Crabtree said Williams “filled the bill” of the brother he never had. “He always laughed at the dumbest jokes and loved slapstick – but if you needed him, he’d be there.”

Frye concluded the services by saying, “Jim Williams was a man who didn’t go around collecting enemies – he was too busy making friends,” and added that the deputy’s widow, Cathy, told him “she has lost her best friend.” The couple were married 21 years, and Williams also left four children.